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By: Chidusky / Posted: 26th June 2024 / Views: 1,523

Thursday, 27th June 2024
Computer Studies (Objective & Essay)
2:00pm - 5:00pm










NOTE: You are to answer FOUR questions only.


We updated all (1 - 6)

Choose any FOUR









The instruction cycle, also known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle, is the basic operational process of a computer. It consists of the following steps:

-Fetch: Retrieving the instruction from memory.

-Decode: Interpreting the instruction.

-Execute: Performing the action specified by the instruction




(i) It speeds up the checkout process, reducing waiting times for customers.

(ii) It reduces human errors in transaction processing and inventory management.

(iii) POS systems automatically update inventory levels with each transaction, helping to maintain accurate stock records.

(iv) POS systems generate detailed sales reports, providing valuable insights into business performance and helping in decision-making.




(i) Complexity: For large and complex processes, flowcharts can become difficult to read and manage.

(ii) Time-consuming: Creating detailed flowcharts can be time-consuming and requires careful planning.

(iii) Difficulty in Modifications: Making changes to a flowchart, especially a large and detailed one, can be challenging and time-consuming.

(iv) Lack of Detail: Flowcharts may oversimplify complex processes and might not provide detailed information required for understanding intricate system operations.



3 × 16² + 5 × 16¹ + F × 16?

3 × 256 + 5 + 16 + 15 × 1

768 + 80 + 15 = 863

Therefore, 35F base 16 is 863 in decimal.




(i) Adobe Dreamweaver

(ii) Microsoft Visual Studio Code

(iii) Adobe XD

(iv) Sketch



(i) Videoconference:

Videoconferencing allows people in different locations to hold face-to-face meetings without having to move to a single location physically. It is widely used for business meetings, distance education, and medical consultations. Participants can see and hear each other in real-time through video and audio communication, share documents, and collaborate effectively.


(ii) Telepresence:

Telepresence refers to technologies that allow a person to feel as if they were present at a location other than their true location. It often involves sophisticated video conferencing equipment that provides high-definition video and audio, making it seem like participants are in the same room. Telepresence aims to create a more immersive and realistic interaction, enhancing remote communication.


(iii) Teleconference:

Teleconferencing is a telephone meeting among two or more participants involving technology more sophisticated than a simple two-way phone connection. It may involve audio, video, and data sharing. Teleconferencing is used for business meetings, training sessions, and seminars, enabling people to connect and collaborate without the need for physical travel.



10 LET sum = 0

20 FOR i = 11 TO 50 STEP 2

30 LET sum = sum + i

40 NEXT i

50 PRINT "The sum of odd numbers from 11 to 50 is "; sum

60 END



Primary data is data collected directly from first-hand experience. This data is original and has not been previously published. In the other hand, Secondary data is data that has been previously collected and published by others. This data is not original but rather a summary or analysis of existing information.




(i) Word Processing Software: Used for creating, editing, formatting, and printing documents. Examples include Microsoft Word and Google Docs.


(ii) Spreadsheet Software: Used for organizing, analyzing, and storing data in tabular form. Examples include Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.


(iii) Database Management Software: Used for creating and managing databases. Examples include Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access.


(iv) Presentation Software: Used for creating and displaying slideshows and presentations. Examples include Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides.


(v) Graphics and Design Software: Used for creating and editing visual content, including images, illustrations, and designs. Examples include Adobe Photoshop and CorelDRAW.


(vi) Web Browsers: Used for accessing and navigating the internet. Examples include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.


(vii) Email Clients: Used for sending, receiving, and organizing emails. Examples include Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird



| A | B | C | D | Output (NAND) |


| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |

| 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |

| 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

| 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |

| 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |

| 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

| 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |

| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |

| 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

| 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

| 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |

| 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |

| 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |

| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |




(i) The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) performs all arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

(ii) The ALU also performs logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and comparison operations (like equal to, greater than, and less than).

(iii) The ALU performs bitwise operations, which are operations that directly manipulate individual bits of binary numbers. These operations include bitwise AND, OR, XOR, and NOT.

(iv) The ALU can perform shift operations, which involve moving bits to the left or right within a binary number.



(i) Registers are small, fast storage locations within the CPU that temporarily hold data and instructions. They facilitate quick data manipulation and processing by providing immediate access to operands and intermediate results during computation. Common types of registers include the accumulator, data register, address register, and status register.


(ii) The clock in a CPU is an electronic oscillator that generates a consistent signal used to synchronize the operations of the processor. This clock signal determines the speed at which the CPU executes instructions, measured in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz). A higher clock speed typically means a faster CPU, capable of performing more operations per second.


(iii) A bus is a communication system that transfers data between components of a computer. Within the CPU, the bus connects various parts, including the memory, input/output devices, and other peripherals. There are three main types of buses: the data bus (carries the data being processed), the address bus (carries the memory addresses where data is stored), and the control bus (carries control signals to coordinate the actions of the CPU and other components).




(ii) Cybercrime: The internet has facilitated various forms of cybercrime, including hacking, identity theft, online fraud, and cyberbullying. These activities can lead to financial losses, privacy breaches, and psychological harm.


(ii) Addiction: Excessive use of the internet, especially social media, gaming, and streaming services, can lead to internet addiction. This can negatively impact mental health, reduce productivity, and interfere with daily life and responsibilities.


(iii) Misinformation: The internet allows for the rapid spread of misinformation and fake news. This can lead to public confusion, panic, and the spread of false beliefs, impacting societal decision-making and trust in reliable information sources.


(iv) Privacy Concerns: The vast amount of personal data shared online can be misused, leading to privacy invasions. Companies and malicious actors can exploit this data for targeted advertising, surveillance, or malicious activities.




(i) Local Area Network (LAN)

(ii) Wide Area Network (WAN)

(iii) Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

(iv) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

(v) Personal Area Network (PAN)

(vi) Virtual Private Network (VPN)


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