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By: Chidusky / Posted: 02nd July 2024 / Views: 29,402

Wednesday, 3rd July 2024
Civic Education (Objective & Essay)
2:00pm - 5:00pm



1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.E 9.A 10.A
11.D 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.E 17.C 18.A 19.D 20.E
21.B 22.B 23.E 24.C 25.B 26.D 27.E 28.E 29.D 30.B
31.B 32.E 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.E 37.C 38.C 39.C 40.D
41.A 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.E 46.A 47.B 48.B 49.A 50.A
51.B 52.C 53.C 54.E 55.E 56.E 57.E 58.B 59.E 60.B

INSTRUCTION: You are to answer a total of FOUR questions.

TWO questions from Section A (Questions 1-4) and TWO questions from Section B (Questions 5-8).

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Youth empowerment is a developmental programme which enables youths to acquire skills, knowledge, attitude and values that will make them to be morally responsible, financially independent and self-reliant in other to contribute positively to the society.


Youth empowerment is a process where young people are encouraged and supported to take control of their lives by providing them with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to develop skills, gain knowledge, and build the confidence required to become active, responsible, and productive members of society.

(i) Education and Training: Providing access to quality education from primary to tertiary levels, offering vocational training in specific trades, encouraging lifelong learning and continuous professional development, and implementing entrepreneurship programs to help youth start and manage their own businesses.

(ii) Employment Opportunities: Creating new jobs through government and private sector initiatives, providing internships and apprenticeships to improve job readiness, offering funding and resources for young entrepreneurs, and establishing skill development centers in emerging fields like technology and healthcare.

(iii) Access to Information: Ensuring affordable and widespread internet access, educating youth on media literacy to critically evaluate information, creating digital libraries and e-learning platforms for academic and professional growth, and establishing community centers where youths can access learning materials.

(iv) Provision of Special Scholarship Programmes: Special scholarships are awarded to the Nigerian youths for innovation and development. This type of youths empowerment, in most cases, are foreign training, where Nigerian youths will acquired knowledge and skills for innovation and development from top world universities around the world, sometimes, this type of youths empowerment calls for knowledge transfer.

(v) Mentorship and Guidance: Connecting youths with experienced professionals for career advice, providing life coaching and counseling services to support personal and professional goals, highlighting successful individuals as role models to inspire youths, and encouraging peer-to-peer mentorship to foster a supportive community.

(vi) Financial Empowerment: Providing microfinance loans to young entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses, offering financial literacy programs to teach budgeting, saving, and investing, giving scholarships and grants for education and business initiatives, and promoting savings and investment clubs among youths to encourage collective financial growth and responsibility.

Community service refers to voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area which is organized by schools, community organizations, or other groups to address local needs and contribute positively to society.


Community service is voluntary work undertaken by individuals or groups, which involves activities that aim to improve the well-being of the community and address its needs without any financial gain.

(i) Enhances Social Cohesion: Community service fosters social cohesion by bringing people together to work on common goals, which strengthens community bonds. As individuals from diverse backgrounds collaborate, they build relationships and mutual understanding.

(ii) Skill Development: Engaging in community service provides individuals with opportunities to develop a wide range of skills. Volunteering in different projects can enhance practical experience in various fields, such as healthcare, education, or environmental conservation.

(iii) Promotes Civic Responsibility: Community service plays a crucial role in promoting civic responsibility by encouraging individuals to actively participate in their communities.

(iv) Improves Quality of Life: The direct impact of community service on improving the quality of life in communities is significant. By addressing specific needs such as hunger, homelessness, and education, volunteers help to alleviate suffering and enhance the well-being of community members.

(v) Community Awareness and Engagement: Community service projects often aim to raise awareness about critical issues affecting the community, such as health, education, and social justice. By educating and engaging community members, these projects foster a more informed and proactive citizenry.

(vi) Fostering Cultural Exchange and Understanding: Community service projects often bring together people from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds, promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding. Volunteers learn about different cultures and traditions, fostering respect and tolerance.

Democracy is a form of government in which power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through freely elected representatives


Democracy is a system where power of governance is with the people, though exercised by some individuals elected by the electorate through popular and periodic elections.


Democracy is a form of government in which the common people hold political power and can rule either directly or through elected representatives.

(i) Free and Fair Elections: Representative democracy relies on the regular holding of free and fair elections where citizens have the right to vote for their leaders. These elections are typically conducted without any form of coercion, manipulation, or fraud.

(ii) Rule of Law: In a representative democracy, everyone, including elected officials, is subject to the law. This means laws are applied equally to all citizens, and there are mechanisms in place to enforce accountability

(iii) Separation of Powers: There is a division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to prevent any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The typical branches are the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.

(iv) Protection of Individual Rights: Representative democracies safeguard individual rights and freedoms through constitutions or legal frameworks. This includes freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to a fair trial.

(v) Pluralism and Political Parties: Representative democracy typically involves a system where multiple political parties exist and compete for power. This competition ensures that different perspectives and interests within society are represented and considered in the policymaking process

(vi) Citizen Participation: While citizens delegate authority to elected representatives, they also have avenues to participate directly in the democratic process. This includes voting in referendums, participating in public consultations, and engaging in civil society activities.

Cultism is a practice performed by a group of individuals who engage in secret activities for protection of members and for other motives and their activities are guided by rituals.


Cultism refers to the practices and devotions of a cult, particularly a group or movement exhibiting excessive devotion or dedication to a particular person, idea, or object, often characterized by rituals and sometimes secretive behaviors.


Cultism is a secret practice by members of cult groups whose activities are violent and extreme in nature.

(i) Black Axe
(ii) Eiye Confraternity
(iii) Buccaneers Confraternity
(iv) Pyrates Confraternity
(v) Vikings Confraternity
(vi) Black Berets
(vii) Black Bra Confraternity
(viii) Mafians Confraternity

(i) Students often join cults due to the influence of their friends or the desire to fit in with certain groups that promise camaraderie and protection.

(ii) Some students are attracted to cults because they seek power, status, and recognition within the school environment, which cults often promise to provide.

(iii) Economic hardship and lack of opportunities can drive students to join cults in the hope of financial support or as a means to exert control over their environment.

(iv) Some students join cults seeking protection from bullying, harassment, or other threats.

(v) Societal and cultural factors, including the glorification of cultism in media and the influence of prominent figures who are associated with cults, can lead students to view cult membership as desirable or prestigious

(vi) Many students join cults to feel a sense of belonging and identity.

(i) Education: Incorporating civic education in school curriculums to teach students about their rights, responsibilities, national symbols, history, and the importance of national unity. Also, promoting the study of national languages, traditions, and customs to foster appreciation and pride in the nation’s heritage.

(ii) National Celebrations and Holidays: Celebrating national holidays such as Independence Day, Democracy Day, and other significant historical events to remind citizens of their shared heritage and achievements.

(iii) Media and Communication: Using media platforms to run campaigns that highlight national achievements, heroes, and positive stories to inspire pride and unity. Broadcasting patriotic songs, movies, documentaries, and programs that emphasize national values and history.

(iv) Sports and Competitions: Organizing and promoting national sports events such as the National Sports Festival to bring citizens together and foster a sense of national pride. Supporting national teams in international competitions, which can unite citizens in support of their country.

(v) Symbols and Monuments: Promoting the use of national symbols such as the flag, anthem, and coat of arms to instill a sense of identity and pride. Establishing and maintaining monuments, museums, and historical sites that celebrate the country’s heritage and achievements.

(vi) Inclusive Governance: Ensuring that all regions and ethnic groups are fairly represented in government and decision-making processes to promote a sense of belonging. Promoting good governance practices that build trust and confidence in the government.

(vii) Community Service and Volunteerism: Encouraging participation in national service programs such as the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to foster unity and collaboration among young people from different regions. Promoting community service and volunteer opportunities that address national issues and promote collective responsibility.

(viii) Economic Empowerment: Implementing policies that create job opportunities and support entrepreneurship to reduce poverty and promote economic stability. Ensuring balanced development across all regions to reduce disparities and foster a sense of inclusion and national unity.

(i) Promote National Unity and Identity: National institutions help to foster a sense of unity and shared identity among citizens by promoting common values, culture, and history.
(ii) Ensure Effective Governance: They play a critical role in implementing government policies and programs, ensuring that governance is effective, efficient, and reaches all parts of the country.
(iii) Facilitate Economic Development: National institutions are essential for coordinating and driving economic development initiatives, creating an environment conducive to investment, and supporting businesses and industries.
(iv) Safeguard National Security: These institutions are responsible for maintaining law and order, protecting the country from internal and external threats, and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens.
(v) Protect Rights and Justice: Establishing institutions such as the judiciary, human rights commissions, and ombudsman offices ensures the protection of citizens’ rights and the provision of justice.
(vi) Promote Social Welfare and Development: National institutions work to improve the social welfare of citizens by providing essential services such as healthcare, education, and social security, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life.

Fundamental Human Rights are inalienable freedoms and privileges that individuals are entitled to in a State e.g. right to life, right to fair hearing, right to freedom of movement, etc.


Fundamental Human Rights are the basic rights and freedoms that every person is entitled to regardless of nationality, race, sex, religion, language, or any other status.

(i) Right to Life: This right is protected by the Nigerian Constitution and ensures that every person has the right to live and not be deprived of their life arbitrarily.

(ii) Freedom of Religion: Nigerians have the right to practice their chosen religion without fear of persecution or discrimination.

(iii) Freedom of Expression: This right is protected by the Constitution and allows Nigerians to express their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs without fear of retribution or censorship.

(iv) Right to Fair Hearing: This right ensures that individuals have access to a fair and impartial trial, and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

(v) Right to Freedom of Movement: Nigerians have the right to move freely within the country, exit and enter the country, and have freedom of residence.

(i) Human rights abuse undermines citizens’ trust in governmental institutions and their ability to protect and serve the populace.
(ii) Persistent abuse leads to widespread social unrest, protests, and potential uprisings against perceived injustices.
(iii) Countries known for human rights abuses face condemnation and sanctions from the international community, affecting diplomatic relations.
(iv) It can deter foreign investment, disrupt economic activities, and lead to overall economic decline.
(v) Victims of human rights abuses often suffer long-term psychological trauma, affecting their mental health and overall well-being.
(vi) Widespread abuses can lead to a surge in refugees and internally displaced persons seeking safety.
(vii) Violent human rights abuses can result in significant loss of life and destruction of property.
(viii) Persistent human rights violations erode the rule of law and promote a culture of impunity and lawlessness.

(i) Honesty:
Honesty refers to the quality of being truthful, transparent, and straightforward in one’s actions, communications, and dealings with others. It involves adhering to moral and ethical principles by avoiding deceit, fraud, and lying.

(ii) Cooperation:
Cooperation is the process of working together towards a common goal or objective, often involving teamwork, mutual assistance, and collaborative effort. It is essential for achieving collective aims that might be unattainable individually, enhancing productivity, and fostering harmonious relationships.

(iii) Self-reliance:
Self-reliance is the ability to depend on oneself to meet one’s needs and solve one’s problems without undue dependence on others. It involves cultivating skills, confidence, and resourcefulness to manage life’s challenges independently.

(i) Promote Civic Knowledge and Understanding: Citizenship education seeks to provide individuals with knowledge about the principles of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and the political system of their country.

(ii) Develop Civic Skills: It aims to develop practical skills such as critical thinking, effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. These skills enable individuals to engage constructively in public discourse, participate in democratic processes, and contribute to community and national development.

(iii) Foster Civic Values and Dispositions: Citizenship education promotes values such as respect for diversity, tolerance, empathy, solidarity, and social justice. These values are essential for building cohesive and inclusive societies where individuals respect each other’s rights and differences.

(iv) Encourage Civic Participation: It encourages active engagement in civic life through voting, volunteering, community service, and advocacy for social causes. Citizenship education empowers individuals to participate in democratic decision-making processes and contribute to the common good.

(v) Instill a Sense of Civic Responsibility: Citizenship education emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions and making positive contributions to society. It promotes ethical behavior, accountability, and a commitment to upholding democratic values and principles.

(vi) Prepare Global Citizens: In an increasingly interconnected world, citizenship education also aims to prepare individuals to be informed and responsible global citizens. This includes understanding global issues, respecting cultural diversity, and promoting international cooperation and peace.

Drug abuse is the overuse and misuse of legal and illegal drugs by individuals without prescription by medical personnel to cause a change in their physiological and psychological state which lead to legal and interpersonal problems.


Drug abuse is defined as the non-medical use of drugs that can alter mood or perception and have the ability to make the user want to continue to use the drugs in spite of health, social and physical impairment.


Drug abuse refers to the use of drugs through self-medication or without due medical prescription and administration.

(i) Recreational Use: Drugs are used solely for their psychoactive effects to achieve a "high" or altered state of consciousness. People may misuse substances like marijuana, cocaine, or ecstasy for recreational purposes without considering the potential health risks or consequences.

(ii) Self-Medication: Some individuals misuse prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications to self-treat physical or mental health issues without proper medical supervision. This can lead to dependency, adverse reactions, and exacerbation of underlying conditions.

(iii) Dependency and Addiction: Continued use of drugs can lead to physical and psychological dependence, where individuals develop a compulsion to use substances despite negative consequences. Addiction disrupts normal brain function and behavior, making it difficult to stop using drugs even when aware of the harm.

(iv) Escape or Coping Mechanism: Drugs may be used as a means to escape from reality, cope with stress, trauma, or emotional pain. Individuals may turn to substances like alcohol, opioids, or sedatives to numb feelings of anxiety, depression, or loneliness temporarily.

(v) Performance Enhancement: Some drugs, such as stimulants like amphetamines or steroids, are abused to enhance physical or cognitive performance. Athletes, students, or professionals may misuse these substances to improve endurance, concentration, or academic/work performance, risking health complications.

(vi) Peer Pressure and Social Influence*: Peer pressure and social norms can contribute to drug abuse, especially among young people. Individuals may experiment with drugs to fit in, gain acceptance, or out of curiosity, leading to ongoing misuse and potential addiction.


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